18. I'll have a chemoport now, please

Medifee.com chemoport for chest
For the first two chemo cycles I opted to have access through a peripheral IV vs a chemoport.  A chemoport is a device that allows accessible withdrawal of blood for labs and a site to inject medications and fluids.  It is surgically inserted into one of the larger veins close to the upper portion of your chest while a catheter extends close to the heart. 

One of the most common post-surgical complications is infection around the site, and I wanted to lessen my chances of infection.  Well, after the Adriamycin left hives and bruising for the second time close to the area where the chemo was injected, I said "enough is enough.  I'll take a chemoport, please."

Tuesday July 3rd I had a chemoport placed under general anesthesia.  The procedure itself took 20 minutes; however, Dad and I were there for approximately 7 hours total.  It was interesting being a patient in one of our own hospital rooms.  Before the procedure one of the nurses left a urine collection cup in the bathroom for a few labs, but I forgot about it initially- "Now, Dr. Malcolm, you know how these things are supposed to go, c'mon now." 😅 Oops, I needed her to cut me some slack. 

All went well with the procedure.  The next 6 cycles of chemo will hopefully go a little smoother now.


  1. Glad the procedure went well! Praying this makes for a less cruddy experience. <3

    1. Thanks, Nic! So far it's made a large difference


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