2. Catch up time

Need to catch some of you up to speed.   Here we go!

So it all began six months ago when I noticed that my right nipple was retracted one morning.  This has never happened before, but I thought "hmm...maybe this is associated with fibrocystic change or my cycle."  Another month passed, and I did the one thing I encourage my patients not to do- put personal health on the back-burner.  There was no pain or skin changes or even discharge- no problem, right? Wrong.  I knew that an exam would be warranted, but my suspicion for malignancy was extremely low.  

It wasn't until early May 2018 when I noticed some tenderness around the right breast for the first time.  "Okay.  Fine, fine; lemme schedule an appointment with my OB.  Need to get this checked out." My med-school and residency besties were firm about following through with this plan.  #SuperSupporters 
Reunion 2018 in Nola #medschoolbesties
Being a goofball with Pinky: #residencybestie
Thursday May 10th, my doctor palpated a mass beneath the right nipple.  Nothing was abnormal on the left.  She politely asked if I noticed the mass.  My answer was yes, but I thought it was likely a cyst or fibrous lump which is a common benign finding in women my age.  Doc proceeded to order an ultrasound of the right breast for the following Tuesday May 15th.  

Well, you guys- this appointment was the moment I knew something was awry.  The ultrasound tech hastily got the radiologist's attention after identifying two large masses.  Within 15 minutes I was getting squished by these uncomfortable shields for a mammogram.  How many women under 30 get a mammogram you ask? Not very many!  A biopsy followed all of these tests which ended the day with a concern-filled phone call from my OB- "this could be malignant."  

For the next 6 days I tried to remain calm but knew deep down that the biopsy results would be life changing...


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