15. Chemo #2

On 6/19 I went to the clinic for my second chemo treatment (Adriamycin and Cytoxan combo). The actual process went by quickly, but the side effects were absolutely ruthless once the IV anti-nausea medications wore off. It's like having the flu with nonstop nausea and lethargy. At one point Dad and I were in the living room- I glanced his way and whispered "I don't think I can do this six more times." Dad replied, "You will make it through, and I'll be right here with you." Love this man so very much! I was also encouraged by dear friends. Lauren from high school enlightened me about the benefits of ginger, and she sent a tea package to aid with nausea. Sharkey suggested pop-sickles which stay down better than Gatorade! Also the Pediatric department sent these gorgeous flowers with a sweet card! Gotta brag on y'all. Seriously couldn't get through this without you. In the words of Big Sean "ain't nobody fresher than my clique....