7. Nearly back to baseline + alotta shout outs!

Hello all, these last few days have been...less than spectacular, but I'm managing.  So many visitors and phone calls.  With this entry I wanted to take the opportunity to post fun pics and talk about how amazing y'all are.  Yep- lots of shout outs. 

Unc and Tia! We always have a great time
To my loving family- it goes without saying- family is everything!  Those tight hugs, prayers, reassurances, and new head scarves to add to the collection were so sweet.

Tia Neet and Maw-maw
And to my Jackson family- oh my goodness!  I wish we had a group photo to add to the blog.  Thank you for praying over and supporting me through this.  We've fellowshipped over Campbell's cookies, Cups, Spice Avenue, homemade chicken pasta + Netflix movies, Whole Foods goodies (y'all are not helping my waistline!).  To the girls of our tiny unofficial brunch club- there's always laughter, and you guys keep me up to date on the latest scoop lol. Faculty fam- thank you for the encouraging scripture and Sister Sledge reference; those ladies couldn't say it better!

One of the truly remarkable things is when your fellow med school friends drop by when they're in residency themselves!!  From Albuquerque, NM to Tampa, FL.  We're so spread out, but you guys came over as if you were down the street.  <3 <3
Crys is en route from Tampa- safe travels!

Flashback to when we were at Universal Studios sitting in the Hogwarts Express- Matteo and Sharkey


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