14. Balding like woah

Short post.  It's happening!  You know, I'm not nearly as traumatized as anticipated.  What you see in this photo has progressed to the point of about 50% hair loss at present.  Who would like to help me create an epic Okoye costume for Halloween (Black Panther)?  Asking now because it will take me that long to focus and finish such a detailed project.  😅

I wanted to also take the opportunity to introduce Nat tips.  These tips are short tidbits and advice that I would like to share with other women going through something similar.  Some of this advice has been passed down to me as well.  They will be dispersed randomly throughout the blog and identified with a pink heart 💖.

Nat tip 💖: For those of you going through hair loss related to chemo or another cause, rub some coconut oil on your scalp nightly to help keep the hair follicles stimulated.  It can be cooking oil or branded as a hair product, up to you!  Please seek medical attention if the source of your hair loss has not been identified.


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