25. Finally beat chemo cycle #4

Hola a todos, hope everyone is doing well!  I have officially recovered from cycle #4 of chemo!! No more Adriamycin (the red devil) and Cytoxan! Hallelujah, God is SO good! 

Although there was a slight change in appointment dates from Thursday to Friday 9/24, everything was smooth sailing.  The infection fighting cell count was 2300 (from 800) which was more than enough needed in order to proceed with treatment.  Won't He do it?

Big shout out and huge thank you to Kati Mitchell and Rachel Palmer for assisting with rides to and from the clinic.  I appreciate the time taken out of your schedules to help a sister out, and I also enjoyed the company 😊.

Usually the day of a treatment I feel decent until about 10:00/11:00 pm the night of- so you know there was a celebration in order!  That's right! My girls and I dined in downtown Jackson to commemorate friendship and health.
Malorie- we missed you!

And my partner in crime joined us for dessert!  Thank you for the belly laughs, camaraderie, and being one of my loudest cheerleaders (literally 😂).  You have a heart of gold, friend!

Mid-September I will start four treatments of the Taxol therapy once every 3 weeks.  I've heard that the side effects are much more bearable, but only time will tell.  Will keep you posted 😉


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