27. "Vacation's all I ever wanted" Part II

On the last day of our California adventures, Shark and I rented a car and drove to Los Angeles.  The initial hour was beautiful driving through the valleys and seeing the beaches and mountains.  But lemme tell y'all about that L.A. traffic!  Even with HOV lanes the traffic was bumper to bumper.  It was a good thing we left San Diego as early as we did!  Nonetheless, we finally made it to our first destination, the Republic of Pie for breakfast.

Here, we met up with Dina and her partner Murphy.  Yes, the same Dina from entry 24 of this blog!  It was a reunion after a 15 year stretch.  Life is nuts in the sense that an illness was the catalyst for reconnecting. It was wonderful catching up with Dina and meeting Murphy.  We reminisced about the ballet days and exchanged several funny stories while I sipped one of the best chai lattes I've ever had.  Dina has made great progress since her single mastectomy but is still in recovery- physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Please continue to lift her up in your thoughts and prayers.

After our reunion, Sharkey and I trekked to Universal Studios.  We visited the park in Orlando before med-school graduation and had to compare the two of course.  More importantly we needed our fill of Hogsmeade's butter beer in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!  Although HP world is always magical, one of my favorite rides in Universal was The World-Famous Studio Tour with Jimmy Fallon.  It was an hour long ride where we toured various studio sets for shows such as "The Mindy Project," "The Good Place," and "Desperate House Wives."  We also rode past the former office of Alfred Hitchcock and paused for three, 3D ride portions.  Well done ride!  Later on that evening, Sharkey and I drove back to San Diego where I caught a flight back to Jackson the following morning.  California, thanks for a fantastic time; the weather and company were phenomenal, and I will return one day! 


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